Current projects:
Development and facilitation of Disaster Risk and Response Management e-learning modules for Western Cape Municipalities Western Cape COGTA
- Development of a drought management policy for Eswatini World Bank / Government of Eswatini
- From drought response to drought preparedness and mitigation: Drought monitoring for extensive livestock farming - Water Research Commission (WRC)
Our team of experts successfully completed projects in South Africa and various African countries.
Examples of such projects are:
- Provincial Flood Plan, Northern Cape Province
- City of Johannesburg strategic workshop for Disaster Management - read more...
- Assessment of disaster risk management in South Africa
- Drought risk assessment for rainfed agriculture in the Eastern Cape
- Disaster Risk Assessment for the Northern Cape Province
- Provincial Wild Fire Management Plan: Northern Cape Province
Drought and food security risk assessment in Karamoja, Uganda
- Provincial Drought Management Plan: Northern Cape Province
- Disaster management specialist on UNSPIDER Technical Assessment Missions to Kenya, Ghana and Zambia
- Drought Risk Assessment and development of drought management plans for agriculture in the Dinder region, Sudan.
- Development of disaster management systems, Congo Brazzaville
- Economic analysis of Merowe Dam, Sudan resettlement scheme.
- Agricultural marketing plan, Merowe Dam, Sudan resettlement scheme
- Agricultural extension plan, Merowe Dam, Sudan resettlement scheme
- Development of a strategy to integrate Disaster Risk Management into agricultural reserach programs in SADC and Member States - CCARDESA
- Strategy Updating of eThekwini Metropolitan’s Level 2 Disaster Management - SANTAM
- Develop an Incident Command System for eThekwini Metro- SANTAM
- Disaster Risk Management Value Chain Mapping in SADC – SADC DRR Unit & GIZ
- Synthesis Report for Cabinet: Review of the Disaster Management System in South Africa – National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), South Africa
- Review of National Disaster Management Framework – National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), South Africa
- Assessment of the roles, relations, dependencies, and coordination between the disaster management structures, the NatJOINTS and the local government structures across the spheres of government during the lockdown level 5 to 1 period in South Africa. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) / National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), South Africa.
- Assessment of data and information management and reporting to the COVID-19 structures in South Africa and recommendations for improvement. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) / National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), South Africa.
- Assessment of grant funding and budgeting and use of reserve funds during the COVID-19 response in South Africa. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) / National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), Pretoria, South Africa.
- Assessment of the efficiency and functionality of institutional mechanisms and modalities for the initial COVID-19 response in South Africa. United Nations Development Program (UNDP) / National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), Pretoria, South Africa
- Development of agricultural water management scenarios for South Africa (Prof Jordaan in person contracted as project leader by WRC and University of the Free State), South Africa.
- Training series on disaster risk assessment, contingency planning, disaster management planning, sphere principles and humanitarian charter in disaster response to the City of Johannesburg, South Africa
- National Integrated Drought Risk Reduction and Response Plan for South Africa - UNCCD / DFFE
- Indicative drought risk analysis for South Africa - National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC)
- Drought information management and communication system for South Africa - National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC)
- Due diligence and business plan; Hembondeiro Agricultural development project in Chokwe, Mozambique
- Due diligence and business plan; Hembondeiro rice and sugar project in Chokwe irrigation scheme, Mozambique
- Assessment of disaster risk management in South Africa – SADC DRR Unit